Whether you over did it at last night’s cocktail
party, Chinese food from the weekend, or it’s those few days before your period,
feeling bloated is never enjoyable.
Although you may think eating or
drinking more when your stomach, fingers and eyes are puffier than usual, will
only make things worse, there are some magical natural remedies that can help
reduce water retention. Check out some of these foods that you can eat to beat
the bloat.
Potassium: This powerful electrolyte is responsible for
helping to move sodium out of the body and since sodium is a significant factor
in bloat, countering your weightiness with some potassium-rich foods is one of
your best defenses against extra bulk. While bananas are known as potassium
wonders, avocados, papayas, honeydew melon, edamame , sweet potatoes and spinach
are great potassium sources as well.
Water: One surefire way to leach
that excess sodium and bloat from your body is to keep flushing your body with
plain water. Not only will keep you keep things moving out but you’ll also feel
like eating smaller portions and less frequently since the extra water is going
to fill you up.
Asparagus: These delicate green stalks are one of
nature’s wonder foods. Containing hefty amounts of folate, iron and thiamine,
asparagus has been eaten for hundreds of years not just for it’s nutritional
benefits but for its diuretic effects as well. This spring favorite is super low
in calorie and virtually fat-free so steam a bunch for dinner or chop a few
stalks for your salad or morning omelet.
Hangzhou Jiaoyu Science and Technology Co.LTD.
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