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How much water we need to drink per day
By admin on 2014-12-26

Drinking more water doesn't mean that you'll become healthier, Professor Goldfarb, an expert at the University of Pennsylvania, said recently. And a study from American Nephrology Association also argued against the suggestion that there is a need to drink as many as eight glasses of water, about 1,600 milliliters, per day.

Those who support the idea of drinking eight glasses of water per day believe that there are four marvelous benefits for a large quantity of water intake–poison elimination, countenance preservation, a decrease of a hunger feeling, and less headaches. However, Professor Goldfarb protests all the four "health benefits." He says that the quantity of water intake has nothing to do with poison elimination as it is the function of the kidneys and no evidence proves the three other benefits. But he said that people should not go to extremes because of the lack of evidence which shows benefits.

Recently, information about drinking water was added in the new edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents and the Chinese Residents' Balance Diet Tower issued by Chinese Nutrition Society, advising people to drink 1,200 milliliters of water, about six glasses, per day. Ma Guansheng, vice director of Nutrition and Food Safety Institute under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the writer of this information, told the reporter from Life Times that it was enough to drink two bottles of mineral water (600 milliliters each) per day, but those who worked under a high temperature, or do intensive physical work and sport,  should increase the quantity appropriately.

Ma Guansheng added that there were three sources for people's water intake: 50 percent from drinking water, 40 percent from three meals, and 10 percent from metabolism. Generally, a healthy grown-up who has three meals every day and engages in light physical work needs 2,500 milliliters of water per day. He can get about 1,000 milliliters of water from meals and about 300 milliliters from metabolism. He can support the need for his body as long as he drinks 1,200 milliliters of water per day under a moderate temperature.

"Actually, the quantity of 1,200 milliliters of water intake per day is just a reference for grown-ups who engage in light physical work and at the moderate climate in our country, and every one of us should follow the suggestion flexibly according to their daily workload," Ma said.

Then, what kinds of people should drink more water than usual? Ma suggested that those who work under a high temperature, athletes, soldiers, construction workers, or firemen who do more activities should drink more water. And the patients of certain diseases such as kidney disease should follow their doctor's advice.

We drink water every day, but not every one knows how much water to drink. Ma gave us several proper methods: drink limited quantities of water several times at any time every day and each time about 200 milliliters. A glass of water is necessary as soon as we get up in the morning and when we are about to go to bed, which is helpful to lower the blood viscosity. And we should drink water actively and avoid getting into the habit of drinking water only when we are thirsty.

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