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Strong espresso may be bad for your heart
By admin on 2014-12-29

It may be the perfect morning pick-me-up. But a single espresso could be bad for your heart, research suggests. Just one cup of the caffeine-laden drink cut blood flow to the heart by more than a fifth, a study found.

Decaffeinated coffee, in contrast, boosted blood flow.

The researchers said the high amount of caffeine found in a single espresso had 'unfavourable cardiovascular effects'. The popularity of such drinks has risen sharply, in line with the greater variety of coffees on offer.

But there have been concerns about the consequences of drinking too many at one time, with the Department of Health advising us not to have more than five a day.

A single espresso contains up to 130milligrammes of caffeine, compared to 75mg in a cup of instant. Filter coffee contains around 120mg per cup.
The Italian researchers from the University of Palermo examined the blood flow of 20 adults who drank a single espresso, compared to a decaffeinated alternative.

The caffeinated variety narrowed blood vessels, cutting blood flow to the heart by an average of 22 per cent within an hour, the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports. This is because caffeine acts to block a chemical which keeps blood vessels expanded.

But when the volunteers drank a decaf espresso, the flow improved slightly. Blood pressure also rose significantly after a normal espresso but not a decaf.

The researchers said the benefits of the caffeinefree drink could be because of the healthboosting anti-oxidants in coffee. These benefits would be more than cancelled out in the short-term by the large amounts of caffeine in the normal espresso.

But in the long-term the anti-oxidants might win out, explaining why other studies have found that regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of heart problems and diabetes.

The researchers wrote: 'A possible explanation for this "coffee paradox" is related to both the caffeine and anti- oxidant content in coffee, as the latter-may be efficacious in the longterm, whereas the former may have more immediate effects.

'Understanding the potential biological effects of coffee may have important public health implications.'

In 2007, experts issued an alert after 17-year-old Jasmine Willis, from County Durham, was taken to hospital with a racing heart, fever and hyperventilation after drinking seven double espressos.

Dr Euan Paul, of the British Coffee Association, said: 'It is important to note that this pilot study was only conducted in 20 people and that caffeine can affect individuals very differently.

"The overwhelming evidence shows that when consumed in moderation - 400-500mg of caffeine per day, the equivalent of approximately four to five cups - coffee is safe for the general population.'

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